Herniated Disc Exercises

Herniated Disc Exercises


Herniated Disc Exercises: A Comprehensive Guide to Relieve Back Pain



Dealing with a herniated disc can be a challenging and painful experience. The discomfort and limited mobility can greatly impact your daily life. However, with the right exercises and proper guidance, you may alleviate the pain and regain strength and flexibility. In this article, we will delve into various herniated disc exercises that can help you on your path to recovery, also we will look at some options in case exercises alone do not help provide pain relief.


Herniated Disc Exercises: Getting Started

Before diving into specific exercises, it's important to understand the basics of herniated disc exercises and how they can benefit you. These exercises primarily focus on strengthening the surrounding muscles, improving posture, and increasing flexibility to support the spine. However, it is crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before attempting any exercises to ensure they are suitable for your condition.


Can herniated disc exercises worsen the condition?

It's a common concern among individuals suffering from a herniated disc. While it is essential to exercise caution and not push beyond your limits, appropriate exercises may actually help alleviate symptoms and improve your condition. The key is to perform exercises under professional guidance and gradually increase intensity and duration as your body allows.


Herniated Disc Exercises: Stretching for Relief

Stretching plays a vital role in relieving the pain caused by a herniated disc. Gentle stretches help reduce muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and increase flexibility. Here are some effective stretching exercises:


  1. Child's Pose

The Child's Pose is a relaxing stretch that targets the lower back and helps relieve pressure on the herniated disc. To perform this stretch:



  1. Cat-Cow Stretch

The Cat-Cow stretch is an excellent exercise for promoting spinal flexibility and reducing back pain. Follow these steps:



Herniated Disc Exercises: Strengthening the Core

Strengthening your core muscles is essential for providing stability and support to the spine. A strong core can significantly reduce the risk of future injuries and minimize pain associated with a herniated disc. Let's explore some effective core-strengthening exercises:


  1. Plank

The plank is a simple yet powerful exercise for engaging the core muscles. Here's how you can do it:



  1. Bird Dog

The Bird Dog exercise targets both the core and back muscles, promoting stability and balance. Follow these steps:



Herniated Disc Exercises: Low-Impact Aerobic Activities

Engaging in low-impact aerobic activities can improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall fitness. Let's explore a couple of options that are gentle on the back:


  1. Swimming

Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that provides a full-body workout while minimizing stress on the spine. The buoyancy of water reduces gravitational pull, allowing for increased mobility without straining the herniated disc. Try incorporating swimming laps or water aerobics into your routine.


  1. Stationary Cycling

Stationary cycling is another low-impact exercise that can be beneficial for individuals with a herniated disc. It helps strengthen the back and leg muscles while minimizing impact on the spine. Remember to maintain proper posture and adjust the seat height to ensure a comfortable and safe workout.


What if These Exercises Don’t Help?


In some cases, the pain may persist even if you do the above exercises, so what do you do then? Fortunately, there are a variety of pain management treatments available to help ease these symptoms, ranging from conservative, non-invasive remedies to minimally invasive pain management procedures.


Conservative Treatments

When exercise alone fails to help then pain management options such as over-the-counter pain medications or prescription medications could be the next step. For some cases the use of topical prescription pain relief patches may help alleviate pain. Visit our Prescription Lidocaine Patches for Pain Relief web page here to learn more about this option.


Non-invasive remedies

For individuals looking for less invasive treatments for their condition, rest, chiropractic care, physical therapy, may provide relief.


Minimally invasive pain management procedures

If conservative treatments are not successful in providing relief, the patient could still benefit immensely from Outpatient Minimally Invasive Procedures (OMIPs) such as:


Epidural steroid injections: Spinal injections of medications, such as epidural steroid injections, can reduce inflammation and numb pain. Visit our Epidural steroid injections procedure page here to learn more about this option.


The Discseel® Procedure: Discseel® is a non-surgical procedure that uses a proprietary blend of medical-grade adhesive to repair damaged discs in the spine. Visit our Discseel® Procedure web page here to learn more about this option.


Dr. Wiederholz is a pioneer in the field of minimally invasive spine treatments in Houston, having been personally trained by the inventor of the Discseel® Procedure, Dr. Kevin Pauza. Since 2020, Dr. Wiederholz has been at the forefront of this innovative treatment, making him the first in Houston to perform the Discseel® Procedure and establishing him as the leading local expert.


The Discseel® Procedure is a revolutionary treatment that offers a non-surgical solution to chronic back and neck pain. As a disciple of Dr. Pauza, Dr. Wiederholz has mastered the technique, providing patients with a safe, effective, and long-lasting relief from their pain.


Choosing Dr. Wiederholz for your Discseel® Procedure means choosing a physician who has trained under the best, and who is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of care. His expertise and commitment to patient wellbeing make him the trusted choice for those seeking to avoid surgery and improve their quality of life.



Endoscopic Discectomy Procedure: The Endoscopic Rhizotomy is completed with the guidance of x-rays (fluoroscope). The endoscope is used to identify the small nerve branches (medial branch) from the nerve root. A laser is then used to deaden the nerve branches, which only have a sensory function. Visit our Endoscopic Discectomy Procedure web page here to learn more about this option.


At Performance Pain and Sports Medicine our team of highly trained specialists is experienced in providing treatment plans tailor-made for an individual’s specific needs.


Regardless of the chosen treatment, relieving pain and preventing further damage from a herniated disc is of paramount importance. If you feel that you are experiencing the symptoms of a herniated lumbar disc, seek expert advice to determine the best course of action.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q1: Can I exercise with a herniated disc?

Yes, exercising with a herniated disc is generally recommended, as it can help alleviate symptoms and improve your condition. However, it is crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before attempting any exercises to ensure they are suitable for your specific situation.


Q2: Which exercises should I avoid with a herniated disc?

While exercise is beneficial, there are certain exercises that should be avoided or modified to prevent further damage. These include high-impact activities like running or jumping, heavy weightlifting, and exercises that involve twisting or bending the spine excessively.


Q3: How often should I perform herniated disc exercises?

The frequency of herniated disc exercises can vary depending on your condition and the guidance of your healthcare professional. Generally, starting with a few sessions per week and gradually increasing the frequency as tolerated is recommended. Remember to listen to your body and avoid overexertion.


Q4: Can yoga help with a herniated disc?

Yoga can be beneficial for individuals with a herniated disc, as it promotes flexibility, strength, and relaxation. However, it is important to choose gentle yoga poses and avoid any movements that cause pain or discomfort. Consult with a qualified yoga instructor who can guide you through appropriate modifications.


Q5: Are there any home remedies for herniated discs?

While exercises are a crucial part of managing a herniated disc, there are some additional home remedies that can complement your treatment plan. These include applying pain relief patches or ice/heat packs to the affected area, practicing good posture, using ergonomic furniture and accessories, and maintaining a healthy weight.


Q6: When should I seek medical attention for a herniated disc?

If you experience severe or worsening pain, weakness or numbness in your legs, difficulty controlling your bladder or bowel movements, or if your symptoms persist despite conservative treatment, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. These may be signs of a more serious condition that requires medical intervention.



Incorporating herniated disc exercises into your daily routine can be a game-changer in managing pain and regaining functionality. Remember to consult with your healthcare professional before starting any exercise regimen and listen to your body throughout the process. By combining stretching, core strengthening, and low-impact aerobic activities, you can take significant strides towards a healthier back and a more fulfilling life.


If you have back pain due to a herniated disc and would like to explore minimally and non-invasive treatment options, Performance Pain and Sports Medicine would be happy to arrange a consultation with Dr. Matthias Wiederholz who is available for the Discseel® Procedure and other minimally invasive procedures in Houston, Texas and Lawrenceville, New Jersey. Dr. Suzanne Manzi is also available for minimally invasive procedures in Houston and League City, Texas.  Our team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to help you get back to the daily activities you enjoy.

Dr. Matthias Wiederholz Dr. Matthias Wiederholz Dr. Wiederholz is a leading expert in the field of minimally invasive spine treatments in Houston. Trained directly under Dr. Kevin Pauza, the inventor of the Discseel® Procedure, Dr. Wiederholz has been performing this innovative treatment since 2020, making him the first physician in Houston to do so. His direct training under Dr. Pauza has provided him with a deep understanding and mastery of the Discseel® Procedure, allowing him to offer his patients a safe and effective alternative to surgery for chronic back and neck pain. As a trailblazer in his field, Dr. Wiederholz is dedicated to providing his patients with the highest standard of care. His expertise and commitment to patient wellbeing have established him as the trusted choice for those seeking to avoid surgery and improve their quality of life. Choose Dr. Wiederholz, the Houston Discseel® Expert, for a successful return to a pain-free life.

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