Hip flexor tightness is very common today as many of us spend a lot of time in a seated position. When we work at a desk or on a computer, drive a car, relax on the couch or in a theater and sit down for a meal we are shortening our hip flexors. This can contribute to back and knee pain. It also makes proper posture difficult.
Performing stretches for your hip flexors regularly can reduce the impact of some of these daily activities which tighten your muscles.
- Kneel on the floor so you are positioned on one knee and one foot. Keep your upper body tall and straight.
- Place your hands on your hips and tilt your pelvis posteriorly. To cue this motion, place hands on hips so fingers are in front and thumbs are in back. Without moving your hands, tilt your pelvis backward to make your thumbs move downward.
- Contracting your abdominals and your glutes will help tilt your pelvis posteriorly.
- You should feel a stretch in the front of the hip which you are kneeling on.
- Be sure to breathe and hold this stretch for 30 seconds.
Remember to switch legs and perform this stretch on both sides. Do these at least every other day if you sit for long periods and you will reduce the stress on your lower back.