Acupuncture PROVEN for Pain: Back Pain and Sciatica Treatment in Lawrenceville NJ
MEDICAL STUDIES show Acupuncture helps with Back Pain!!
MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE using the Integrative NeuroMuscular Acupoint System (INMAS) combines modern Chinese acupuncture theory with Western medical approach to TREAT BACK pain without drugs or surgery. The most recent studies have shown that ACUPUNCTURE EFFECTIVELY TREATS BACK PAIN (see references at the end)
Acupuncture can help relax muscles, calm inflamed nerves, improve blood flow to the body parts immediately. Over time, acupuncture sessions change how the mind perceives pain and help:
RESTORE BALANCE in both Mind and Body
TREAT Ailments as well as Symptoms
1) Carlsson C, Sj˜lund B. Acupuncture for chronic low back pain: a randomized placebo-controlled study with long-term follow-up. Clinical Journal of Pain 2001;17(4):296-305.
2) Haake, M. Archives of Internal Medicine, Sept. 24, 2007; vol 167: pp 1892-1899. Heinz G. Endres, MD, Eric Manheimer, MS, research associate, Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, College Park